Page name: Yu Yu Hakusho Fans Unite! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-02 20:09:40
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Yu Yu Hakusho Fans Unite!

Konnichiwa, fellow Yu Yu Hakusho fans, and welcome to Yu Yu Hakusho Fans Unite! Here, you can talk about your fav Yu Yu Hakusho characters (you can talk about them at Yu Yu Hakusho Characters), what you like about the series, etc.

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YYHFU! Banners and BadgesWE NEED BANNERS!!! I'd really appreciate it if people could make some banners for us. ^^

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Yu Yu Hakusho Quotes Where you can post quotes from any Yu Yu Hakusho Character (and if there isn't already one, please provide a picure! ^_^)
Yu Yu Hakusho Group Pictures Where you can find group pics and comment on them! ^_^
Team Urameshi's Dojo There's a bunch of miscellaneous stuff in here! ^^
The Couples of YYH 'nuff said!
YKYOWYYHW... You Know You're Obsessed With Yu Yu Hakusho When...
YYH Pics

(*NOTE: If anyone claims "So-and-so is MINE!" or anything related to that, their comment will be DELETED! Also, no stealing. But I will permit drooling, glomping, swooning, and fainting...just as long as it isn't overdone! ^_^*)

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Wheee! [RavenTalon] made a banner! ThanQ, [RavenTalon]!
If you want to put the banner on your home page, just type <*IMG:*> but without the stars!

Cool YYH Websites

Cool Wikis

Lovers of Kurama Unite!
Fox Lovers United
Fox-People Army
Sesshoumaru-sama Club
The Fluffy Club
Bakas United
Inuyasha Club
Anime Guild
Anime Fanclub
Violent Vibes GO TO THIS WIKI PAGE!!! [Blaze the Nameless] WROTE IT, AND IT'S REALLY GOOD!!! READ IT!!!
Lovers of Hiei Unite
Alaina's Fanfic Here are [Lady Alaina]'s fanfictions, including Yu Yu Hakusho ones! ^^


Yu Yu Hakusho Contest


7/2/2005 - We have a new part of the wiki up: YYHFU! Banners and Badges. On that note, WE NEED BADGES!!!! PLEASE!!!! -^.^-

-[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]

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2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: er....I don't do many Trigun comics...just random ones...

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: It still be funny. So what if there's not many? Thre might be if you do taht often. XD

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol; yeah. I've got really crazy ideas...XD

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: So do I. Oo I've been labeled crazy at times..oh,can I ahve the links to my fanfics up ehre? ^^

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: sure! *adds link*

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Oh,thanks! ^^ I should try to advertise my fanfictions more,I'd get more readers...Rika hads a fanfiction page,too,but tehres aLOOOOOOOOT more YYH stuff there...I'm an evener,I write a bit about everything...XD

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I write a lot of Trigun. XD

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: lol...Actually,I think I wrote more Sonic than anything,but Iw as a Sonic fangirl (majorly) for teh longest time...Oo But everything else...I have a FAM fanfic tahts a fairly good seven chapters,took me three to five days to write.....

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: dang....five days?

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: I THINK.....thats tops. (I couldnt's stop writing,it was when I was grounded,so what else was they're to do?) I think it was more like three day and a half...

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: i wrote this one loooong one-chapter fanfic in less than a day! XD

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: wow...

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: What was it,Ryoko?

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: a trigun fanfic. XD

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: wow...........

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Yeah,I know,but now I wanna read it. XD lol Whats wrong,Rika? XD

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: huh? Oh nothing, it takes me longer then that to write merely one chap, is all...

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: the fanfic was a grand total of 5035 words!

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Oh,I see.... Oo do ya figure that?

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I put it up on my account! XD

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: it on ET?

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: why don't I give you the link?

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Umm...because I ahve frour windows up already...^^;;

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: erk....then why don't I just message it to you? ^^U

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Ok. ^^

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: But before I do, I have to give you some warnings and ask some things. First of all, have you seen most of/all of the Trigun anime?

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Seen it all three times.

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: I'll just shrink in thr corrner with my sketchbook and notepad now...

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: lol KK.

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: alrighty. Here's some warnings: there's character death, Vash/Meryl, Wolfwood/Millie, and lots of tears.

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Ok.....I realized you like to write dramatic...(not my style,but I'll read it...) XD

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ok, I'm sending it over...and d'you know the singer Chris Rice?

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: ...Who?

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: The christian singer, Chris Rice!

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Uuuuhhhh......The only Christian music I've ever heard was just previously when I got this Under The Sun CD....

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: oh.....well, the fanfic has Chris Rice's song "Coming Home" in it, hence its name.

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Oh..ok.

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: *twitles tumbs*

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *glomps everyone* Well, I g2g2 bed now; see y'all later! And I sent the fanfic to you, Alaina!

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: *hugs back* nighty night!^^

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: It was gosh.almost got me crying. ^^;;.

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: Aww...

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: YEah,but its sooooo good!! ^^

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: yeah....

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: ....Still writing..XD

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: lolXD

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: YEah.....

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: drawing.....

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Yep......writing/drawing....XD

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: yup

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: ....We've got nothin' to say....

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: yyyyup...

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Great.....

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: yeah.......

2005-06-25 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I'm back! ^^

2005-06-25 [Lady Alaina]: 'Ello...^^


2005-06-26 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: HI!

2005-06-26 [Lady Alaina]: Hello....Oo

2005-06-26 [Kiristo]: hiya

2005-06-30 [WoodenSuitcase]: ok...conversation time!.............what's your favorite food everyone! that was slightly queer

2005-06-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]:


2005-06-30 [Kuramasgirl]: I like Yorkshire Pudding ^_^

2005-07-01 [Kiristo]: Hmm.....candy!^^

2005-07-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Ramen will always be my fav food....but I also like salty stuff crackers or goldfish! ^^

2005-07-01 [WoodenSuitcase]: hmmm....I like Italian junk, but man...those Asians got some good food

2005-07-01 [Kiristo]: OH! I love Italian food!

2005-07-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Hey, speaking of asian, one of my friends looked up my name and found out that it means "asian princess" ^^

2005-07-01 [Lady Alaina]: ....Chinese. :D

2005-07-01 [Kiristo]: Uck...I can't stand chinese food. XP

2005-07-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: some chinese is good. ^^

2005-07-01 [WoodenSuitcase]: I like Chinese,   fortune cookies!

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: FORTUNE COOKIES!XD

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: Oo Thats odd,my other friend doesnt like Chinese food in the least...but I swear I can never get enough Egg Drop Soup! XD

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: eck...

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: Crab legs...sweet 'n sour chicken in tons of fried rice....and those cute little corn on the cobs! Egg rolls...yum...ok,I'm making myself hungry...

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: eck...............

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: .....Hhmmm...I should find something to eat,all I've had today is...*ears twitch* Um,not,any suggestions?

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: no....but have you seen my new pic?

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: Yep,interesting. I was wondering what that thing on Yuske's head was in the first manga...(my cousin let me borrow it who knows HOW long ago...) Jordan and I figured it was a dunce hat or something. ^^;;

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: no^^'

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I thought it was something to do with spirits....^^U

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: ^^' it kinda does....just read the description. I copied it from the book. Just changed a few things, like in the manga where it said Yusuke's name I changed it to Rika......yeah....that's all......................

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: lol ^^;; Silly me..

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD yusuke is so silly...reminds me of many people...

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: kinda reminds me of me.....but I'm not so rough as him.....yet not soft.......well....nevermid. ^^'

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I'm a mix of Yusuke and several other characters from other random animes/mangas.....but a huge percent of me is Vash! ^^

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: lolXD OH! That reminds me. Comic Cafe has a Vash plushy on sale. No one's bought it yet.

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ^^ yay!

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: lolXD i might get it after I get my Hiei and Ed plushy. But I haven't gotten my Hiei one yet,(still on backorder) and I need to order my Ed one after I get money.

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: ....I want a Sanji plushie...I might actuallyb e allowed to get one of those...

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: Sanji? OH! from One Peice. I want a Zolo one.=^^=

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: lol Shoulda figured. ^^ Yeah,SANJI!! ^^

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: lolXD

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: --U it's ZORO, not Zolo.

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: Zolo is the American name...XD

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: Oh yeah....

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: Err.....right...-_-;;

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: ^^'

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: .....CRAP,I'm running out of ideas!!! XD

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: ....^^'

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: but it's suppossed to be pronounced ZORO!!! >.<U

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: Not in the show....

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: ITs definitly Zolo.....

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: maybe 'cause it's trnfered from Japanese to english.

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: Yeah....tahts what I meant...

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: yyyyeeeeaaah..........

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: --U in the manga, he was called ZORO. the manga came first. and Japanese don't have L. And when they do, it's prounounced like an R.

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: WE GET IT. ITs just in teh show,in AMERICA,we are Americans for crying out loud,and I'm just going by the show.

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: TTwTT but we americans are WIERD!!!!!!!!

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: NO THEY'RE NOT! and I know about that whole, L-R thing!

2005-07-02 [WoodenSuitcase]: but it is stupid, we should of just kept, Zoro....zolo is stupid (me thinks this)

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: finally someone agrees with me! *hi-fives Oni*

2005-07-02 [Kuramasgirl]: What? Americans? God yes. We're absolute idiots! *starts singing "American Idiot"*

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD and look at us! sure we've got all these freedoms and stuff, but we're pervs (well, most of us), drink to get drunk, and all that crud! Now, look at France! They have nude beaches, and don't mind about it. And they drink wine with their families as a tradition (and NOT to get drunk). Yup....we Americans are so bizzarre...fortunitly for me, I'm not even close to American! Sure I'm a citizen, but I've got so much different ancestry, it's not even funny! X3

2005-07-02 [Kuramasgirl]: lol, of course, a lot of the Parisians and Londoners are perverts too. I almost gagged when i saw all of the shops there that said 'SEX" on it @.@;; It was really freaky.

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD oh boy.....I'm thinking Monty Python......

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok/ I sleep all night and I work all day! (He's a lumberjack and he's ok/ He sleeps all night and he works all day!) I cut down trees/ I eat my lunch/ I go to the lavatory! / On Wednesdays I go shopping/ And have buttered scones for tea! (He cuts down trees/ He eats his lunch/ He goes to the lavatory! / On Wednesdays he goes shopping/ And has buttered scones for tea!/)

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: (He's a lumberjack and he's ok/ He sleeps all night and he works all day!) I cut down trees/ I skip and jump/ I like to press wild flowers!/ I put on women's clothing/ And hang around in bars! (He cuts down trees/ He skips and jumps/ He likes to press wild flowers!/ He puts on women's clothing/ And hangs around in bars!/ He's a lumberjack and he's ok/ He sleeps all night and he works all day!) I cut down trees/ I wear high heels/ Suspenders and a bra!/ I wish I'd been a girly/ Just like my dear papa!

2005-07-02 [Kuramasgirl]: ROFLMAO! lol, I love that movie. If she weighs as much as a duck, she must be a witch!/ Yeah! She turned me into a newt!....I got better....

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol! I watched "And Now For Something Completely Different" I almost died laughing! XD

2005-07-02 [Kuramasgirl]: Which one was that? I haven't watched Monty Python in a long long time.

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I dunno; that's the only Python movie I've seen.....and I'm working on Feathers and Petals now; the rest of the chapter I left off on should be up soon! ^^

2005-07-02 [Kuramasgirl]: Good! ^.^

2005-07-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I'm gonna work on completing that one before I work on any others.

2005-07-02 [Kuramasgirl]: Heh, I'm horrible at that. No matter how hard I try, I can never seem to finish my stories.

2005-07-04 [WoodenSuitcase]: any one see the secret to life?

2005-07-04 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: no...

2005-07-05 [Kuramasgirl]: x.X Uh......

2005-07-05 [Kiristo]: Hi guys!^^ Umm.....take my poll please? need help.

2005-07-06 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: sure! *goes to take poll*

2005-07-06 [Kiristo]: YAY!XD

2005-07-06 [Kuramasgirl]: *takes poll too* ^^

2005-07-06 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ^^

2005-07-06 [Kiristo]: yay!^^

2005-10-01 [Normal_Man]: crap its sooo sad that theres no more YYH anime

2005-10-01 [Kiristo]: Yeah! That sucks!

2005-10-01 [Normal_Man]: seriously,but at least theres still the manga

2005-10-01 [Kiristo]: Yeah

2005-10-01 [Normal_Man]: but its going so slow

2005-10-01 [Kiristo]: yeah.....

2005-10-01 [Normal_Man]: I wonder if he will ever continue the series..

2005-10-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: wiki is dead...

2005-10-02 [Normal_Man]: then breth life into it.....well since the series is over its gonna be hard.......

2005-10-02 [Kiristo]: yeah, it will.....dang.

2005-10-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: The series is over? Poo.

2005-10-02 [Normal_Man]: didnt you know that? in ended like two to three months ago I have the last DVD

2005-10-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: TT.TT poop.

2005-10-02 [Normal_Man]: I can tell how it ends,if you want.

2005-10-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: YESH!!! TELL MEH 'BOUT WHAT HAPPENS TO KURAMA-SAMA!!! ^^

2005-10-02 [Kiristo]: And Hiei-san.

2005-10-02 [Normal_Man]: kurama of course returns to human world to be with mummy and admits to being a girl(JK) hiei stays in demon world working for mukuro

2005-10-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Ah knowed it! Knowed that Hiei worked for mukuro, i mean. =3

2005-10-02 [Normal_Man]: yep his job is to make sure humans dont accendly go into demon world

2005-10-02 [Kiristo]: Ah, thought as much. *beats Mukuro with baseball bat* MY HIEI!

2005-10-02 [Normal_Man]: well they do make-out soooo yeah hiei is n ow mukuro's man

2005-10-02 [Kiristo]: *growls*

2005-10-02 [Normal_Man]: huh?

2005-10-02 [Kiristo]: *growls still* Mukuroooo....*deep vicious growl**Takes out baseball bat and scoots out of room**that's followed by screaming, yelling, loud crashes and bangs*

2005-10-02 [Normal_Man]: You know though now hiei is a dad I wonder if he will act differnt?

2005-10-02 [Kiristo]: *glllllaaaaarrrreeee*

2005-10-03 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *snarfs a cookie* ...................BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! THE PINK UMBRELLA!!!! ROFLMFAO!!!!! *falls over laughing*

2005-10-03 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *stops laughing; gets back in chair calmly* :ahem: Hi again. ^^U

2005-10-03 [Normal_Man]: but his Daughter is pretty cool

2005-10-03 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I've never seen a pic of his daughter.

2005-10-03 [Kiristo]: Show me

2005-10-04 [Normal_Man]: Acully I was jokeing about everything after hiei working for mukro

2005-10-04 [Kiristo]: ......................Did I meantion how much I hate you?................

2005-10-05 [Normal_Man]: acully

2005-10-05 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: jerk... -.-U

2005-10-05 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: But that means Rika-chan can still dream, yes? YES!

2005-10-05 [Normal_Man]: sure let her dream about a 300 year old guy

2005-10-05 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD I dream of random wierd things...

2005-10-05 [Normal_Man]: like dating 300 hundred year old men?

2005-10-05 [Kiristo]: lolXD

2005-10-06 [Normal_Man]: arent I a stinker

2005-10-07 [Kiristo]: lol

2005-10-07 [Normal_Man]: but seriouly am I the only one who finds it weird

2005-10-07 [Kiristo]: heh^^' if you were a girl you wouldn't...

2005-10-07 [Normal_Man]: So its all right for a 15 year old girl to date a 65 year old man

2005-10-07 [Kiristo]: *sigh*....will you knock it off.......

2005-10-07 [Normal_Man]: what its a smaller age differnce,but ill stop

2005-10-07 [Kiristo]: ok, good

2005-10-07 [Normal_Man]: sooo now what?

2005-10-07 [Kiristo]: dunno...

2005-10-07 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ....i have icecream dreams. >.<

2005-10-07 [Kiristo]: lolXD

2005-10-07 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: And Rika-chan knows what I mean by that.

2005-10-07 [Kiristo]: Yup^^ what do you think of my site?

2005-10-07 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I love it! And the music's pretty! ^^

2005-10-07 [Kiristo]: yay^^lol

2005-10-07 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: You're gonna have to send me the lyrics to some of the songs!

2005-10-07 [Kiristo]: lol^^'

2005-10-08 [Normal_Man]: Im confused

2005-10-08 [Kiristo]: Heh, my site.

2005-10-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Never mind; I found a great site that has all these lyrics from a whole bunch of animes! Want a link?

2005-10-08 [Kiristo]: Nah, I already know a site like that.^^

2005-10-08 [Normal_Man]: Have any of you guys heard the theame song from Bleach?

2005-10-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: nope

2005-10-08 [Normal_Man]: itts cool

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